Talking about tough topics (and aliens!) with AC James

AC James is on the Steam Seat this week and we need to start this with a content warning. We have that conversation about the Amber Heard/Johnny Depp trial and the troubling things we noticed around romancelandia and society doubts accusers and protects abusers. We also talk about representation and conversations around women’s bodies and women’s pleasure and the shame that swirls around that. We lighten things up by chatting about very close encounters (wink wink) with aliens. And I read a steamy bit from her book Nin: Earth Girls Aren't Easy, the first book in her  Intergalactic Dating Agency series. If you are up for the conversation, spending time with AC is well worth it. 
Grab a copy of Nin and Not Well Behaved Women, her multi-author group project for charity.

Connect with AC online:

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