Expanding romance with Rien Gray

A trope-alicious episode!
Strip down and get comfy, because Rien Gray is on the mic and we have a whole lot to talk about. We dive into how writing mobile romance games were Rien’s gateway into the romance world, writing non-binary and f/f romance, and why representation matters. Plus, we talk about how they wrote the MC romance that I’ve been dying to read! Also, did you know there’s a Leather Archives Museum in Chicago? Me neither! 
And, in a first for the podcast, I make Rien pre-blush!
But wait, there’s more! I read a gorgeous steamy scene from their debut novella Love Kills Twice. This ep’s epic! 

Connect with Rien online:
Twitter: riengray 
Website: https://www.riengray.com/

And grab a copy of Love Kills Twice and Her Wolf in the Wild
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