Heat Hopping with Kelsey McKnight and Sarah Fischer

Feel the heat
Kelsey McKnight and Sarah Fischer join me this week to talk about heat hoping! (Yes, it’s a twofer!) Separately, they write steamy. But when they write together, they keep it sweet. We talk about writing with your BFF, penning Grammy-approved romance, and how an emotional connection can bring intimacy but maybe not the heat. (And that’s okay!) And I read excerpts from Sarah’s book Third Wheel and Kelsey’s book What Happens in the Ruins.
Grab a copy of their book Operation Valentine, Sarah’s book Third Wheel, and Kelsey’s book What Happens in the Ruins.
Connect with them online: 
Instagram: @akissatmidnight 
TikTok @kissatmidnight 
Twitter (Kelsey): https://twitter.com/kelseymmck
Goodreads (Kelsey): https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/16607432.Kelsey_McKnight
BookBub (Kelsey): https://www.bookbub.com/authors/kelsey-mcknight 
Twitter (Sarah): https://twitter.com/SarhAlexander7 
Goodreads (Sarah): https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/3315970.Sarah_Fischer
BookBub (Sarah): https://www.bookbub.com/authors/sarah-fischer 

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